Sunday, April 1, 2012

Try Something New for 30 Days

"The next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not, so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days?” (Matt Cutts)

I came across a great talk about Trying New Things on TED Talks.  If you have never been there check out TED talks just for the sheer fun of it.  Topics are endless and many are delivered by highly qualified people in their fields. This one though is just fun.  I like how he brings the idea of trying something new down to it's simplest components.

We all have the best of intentions in wanting to start tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes and goes.  It is a matter, he says, of committing to doing something to move you toward your goal every day for a month. He claims that you can do anything if you only have to do it for a month.

Matt wanted to write a novel for years.  He wrote a book in 30 days by making sure to put 1667 words per day onto paper. He concurs that it may not have been the greatest novel but he did finish it.  Now he can edit the piece and he can also brag that he is a novelist.

He agrees with my previous blog post that we need to make small changes.  Small changes he says are sustainable. Big changes, although they can be a great rush, are not sustainable.

He ended up writing a novel and climbing Kilimanjaro and getting in shape by making small changes towards the goal each day for thirty days.

He concludes that time becomes more meaningful and that his self confidence soared because of all he had achieved by doing small things each day. So there were some unexpected benefits besides the actual goal attainment.

I am doing this 30 day challenge to get myself to the starting line of a half marathon with my son who is running the full marathon on May 9th. I will update you throughout the month to let you know my progress and see if the phrase "you can do anything if it is only for 30 days" is true.

What have you been putting off. What goals do you have percolating in the back of your mind.  Bring them out into the daylight and put them to the thirty day challenge. If you don't make the whole 30 days you will still be that little bit closer to the goal. And when the goal has a light shining on it, we tend to look at it every which way and figure out what we need to do to make it happen.

30 days. Imagine how your life could be different in 30 days.

I will leave you with a profound quote that reminds us why we need goals. I have no reference so if anyone knows who said this just put it into the comments and I would love to give credit for this life changing quote.

"In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until we ultimately become enslaved by it." Hmmmm......scary.

Watch the video as there is much more content in the actual video. Simple but amazing.

Here is the link.
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